
I work for a domestic violence rape crisis center in Bloomsburg PA. I watched a borrowed copy of your video entitled "Just Yell Fire" and thought our agency may want to incorporate your video into our prevention education programs for girls and their parents. Thank you for an extremely powerful video. The statistics are haunting. I plan to show your website to my two 13 year old nieces and encourage them to watch your video.

I have just heard about the DVD from members of a city-wide committee that deals with domestic violence in the Jewish community. As we all know, date rape, abduction and other types of violence cross cultural, racial and religious lines -- they highly recommended this film for use in our schools.

Thank you so much --

Hi there, I watched "Just Yell Fire" last night with my 13 year old daughter at a viewing held by REACH of Macon County, North Carolina. This is a tremendous service you are performing - thank you so much for taking action and giving girls (& women) a valuable tool to protect themselves. Thanks so much!

I think the time and effort that you and your team put into this film is invaluable. I have two daughters, (12 & 14) who are just not interested in taking any type of martial arts, but they have both agreed to sit with me and watch your film. You and your team are an inspiration to all young women everywhere. Thank you for taking the time to make such and incredibly helpful film. Again thank you for the help that this film will be to thousands of young women.

While working out at the gym today, I saw your organization's segment on the Montel Williams show. On the TV next to the one showing your segment was a news report on Fox News showing an 18 year old girl that was just abducted from a Target in KS. My daughter was working out at the gym with me. I would like to request one of your DVD's for her. I want her to have the information that she needs to help her know what to do if she ever finds herself in that kind of situation.

I am a psychologist, volunteer at the Sexual Assault Center at York University, and mother of a 13-yr.-old daughter who also has her black belt. I congratulate you on what you have produced and hope your work will inspire all females to stand up and fight back.

Besides being the mother of four daughters and one son, I am a retired Crime Scene Investigator. I'm very aware of the crimes and devastation of sexual assault cases, kidnappings and murder. My 13 year old son is a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, a black belt in Ki Gum Do (Korean sword), and a black belt in Hwa Rang Do. My 12 year old twin daughters are 2nd degree black belts as well. However, I still fear that they would "panic" if confronted with an abduction situation. I found this video to be a fantastic tool to reinforce all they have been taught. Congratulations! Keep up the great work. If this saves just one person's life, it's worth it's weight in gold. You should be very proud of yourselves!

This CD is 1,000 percent BETTER than I thought it was going to be and I AM TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!! THIS CD SO ROCKS! THANK YOU FOR CREATING IT...

I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am to see that our youth are concerned about this topic. I am a troop leader for Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande, in El PAso, Texas, and a detention officer for El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department. I currently run the Studio 2B Program ( Girl Scouts) which is a program designed by girls for girls at the Juvenile Probation Department. It appears that our youth are fed up with abuse and rape. One of the focus series books is called "Take Charge" and it is about rape and abuse. In the book it also recommends to "yell fire" for the same reasons you described. Your video , along with my group will be most helpful and impactful. I will definately forward your link to Girl Scouts of the Rio Grande.

I am a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and have performed more rape exams than I care to remember. I live in North Carolina and education regarding rape and encouragement to report is not what it should be. I am sure that most females, both teenagers and adults, can tell you the signs and symptoms of a heart attack or what to do if there is a fire, but can't protect themselves or identify risk factors for assault. I am pleased to see a media form of information regarding sexual assault. Our society (especially young people) is very media driven, especially visually, and to see something is more credible that to be told something. I see victims who have been devastated and always "wish I had made a different decision" or "wish I knew what I could have done to stop this". I could bet many people know the Heimleich maneuver if someone is chocking and they surely know what kind of diet to prevent heart disease, but don't know what they can do to protect themselves in a mall parking lot or identify behavior that is suspicious or threatening. It is more believable that you could have a heart attack than it is that you could be sexually assaulted. I applaud your advocacy for safety and sexual assault.