
After learning about Just Yell Fire on the Montel show I just knew I needed a copy for my 13 yr old daughter. I am a mother of 2 always hoping I can protect my children yet knowing I can't always be with them. I would like to thank Dallas and Catherine, their parents and teachers, along with everyone involved for making this film and providing necessary tools for the safety of children everywhere. I have always tried to teach my children to be safe and stay involved in anything they can to provide for and show concern for others. Thank you for showing them that our youth can make a difference in so many ways. Thank you!

Awesome, teenage level everything as well as an interest holder!!! Fabulous mature job!!! I would love to order a dvd to present to our high school health class during "Planned Parenthood" education visits, as it is mostly girls. It would be a wonderful addition of curriculum not ever taught. Thanks again for such a good job!!! I saw you all on Montel and pulled up your site before your segment was even over. I'm betting MILLIONS of others did too – Congratulations!!!!!

My name is Jessy, I'm a mother of three, 13, 7, and 4 and I am so glad you made a movie that shows them just how to protect themselves when I can't. I have taken this DVD to the school board in my area and your video will now be a key to saving kids for the next at least four years in classrooms in the Dallas area. you have truly made a difference in the world!! Be proud! All of those who made this possible!

I was very impressed with what I saw on the Good Morning America show back in March on this project. The people who brought this video together should be very proud of themselves. It is an important topic and one that ever young person should know about.

You are to be commended for your efforts in helping women and young girls to be better prepared when faced with the potential of being a victim of a violent attack! As a police officer of 34 years and a martial artist since 1962, I will encourage all of my students that I train to watch your DVD. Thank you.

I first read about the video "just yell fire" in last weeks People magazine, and immediately went on line to get more information. As a gynecologist, I have seen firsthand the lifelong devastation of sexual assault. As a martial artist, I understand the importance of empowering everyone to be able to defend themselves. I am encouraging all of my friends, family, coworkers, etc. to visit your site, and learn more about this important message. I also hope to teach some of these skills at our next office meeting. Thank you, Thank you, for making this video.

Last night I was reading People magazine and saw the article about giving girls the power to fight back. I visited the website, and watched the movie. I proceeded to forward the website link to many friends and family in hopes that word will continue to spread about this amazing video.

I am incredibly impressed with Dallas and Catherine, their families and everyone who participated in putting together the movie and website. I am absolutely convinced that many lives will be saved and many potential rapes will be stopped. I am trying to teach my children that each person should live their lives such that they are contributing something of value to their family, their community and humanity. When we pass from the screen of life, we should be able to look back and know that we made a difference. Well, Dallas and Catherine have already done so, before they have even graduated high school! They are to be congratulated for being such wonderful role models.

Please let them know that I, as a mother, am so grateful for the work they have done, and the tools they have provided to my 3 children to help protect themselves. If I could keep them safe every moment of every day, I would do so in a heartbeat. Of course, that is not possible and so they need to know how to help themselves. Again, thank you so very much.

As a fellow black belt I applaud what you are doing. And as a dad with 2 girls............Thank You!

I read about the wonderful JYF project in my latest People magazine, and immediately had to check out your website. I watched with horror the videotaped abduction of Carly Brucia, and made my 14 year-old daughter watch it as well. This is truly a parent's worst nightmare.

Thank you for this important work.

I have been telling all of my daughter's mothers about the DVD and download. Thanks for getting the word out. Our young women need to know what to do in the real world and we as parents need to be reminded as well. I am so proud of the young women who were moved to make this DVD. It may very well save more lives than we will ever know.

My faith in humanity is restored once again. Stay pro-active girls.