
How proud you must be of your daughter and her friend for their efforts at creating such a fantastic film. A friend loaned me the DVD and I watched it with my 14 year old daughter last night. VERY POWERFUL!!! My daughter was on the verge of tears during the date rape scene, as my niece, her cousin, was in a similar situation and was unfortunately not prepared.

I would love to have a copy to share with my daughters campfire troop and would also like to review it over and over so that both my daughters are prepared in such an attack situation.

Thank you again for making the film available to everyone. It is invaluable information for our daughters!

With Appreciation

Shirley and I have both seen this video and feel it is one of the brightest productions that every woman of any age should watch and learn from!

Thank you very much, and GOOD JOB to the gals who made this!

Actually, I have to tell you that I passed this link on to my colleagues at work and got a token safety award for this information. I have hoped for quite awhile that all of the schools would implement some sort of self-defense training for ALL kids, as they are all vulnerable to the MANY creeps out there.

Thanks, again.

I was raped by 2 men on my 17th birthday. I was a virgin. I am interested in informing other young women about this. I am now 46, but it had totally affected my whole life. My husband tells me I should try to help others, he is right because it might finally help me after all these years.

I was so impressed with the Just Yell Fire video that a few weeks ago I brought it to the attention of one of the guidance counselors at our local high school, Hinsdale Central High School, Hinsdale, Illinois. I got word from him today that he had shared the video with the school's physical education and health teachers. They thought it was great and they have decided to use it in their classes.

What an amazing idea!! I heard about this on the Clark Howard Show and I am a survivor of rape and I want to use my experience to help and educate others. Thank you for doing this it means so much to me

I have watched the DVD and I think you have done a great and creative job. I think it will be quite valuable to young girls. I have 6 grand-daughters and I am very much concerned for their safety. I think your work is a great step forward in helping to keep young women safe. Also I really think your statements as to worth and self-esteem as well as "rights" was an added touch of tremendous importance. Thanks again.

I think what you are doing is great, I am proud to live in a world where there are still people out there who care. I am gonna hang on to this cd for my daughter for when she gets a little bit older. Thank you!!!

Thank you for the work you have done here...It's strong-minded young women like the ones who came up with the concept who will make such a difference for a lot of girls and teens. I think this is a topic that many parents are afraid to broach with their daughters, because they are afraid that they will soil their child's view of humanity. However, after what happened to my daughter, I know how necessary it is. You can NEVER start too early teaching your daughters about this, it can mean all the difference in the world!

I know how important it is for young women and teens to know how to protect themselves. When my granddaugter was 13 she was sexually molested by 3 young boys. After 3 years of drug abuse and alcohol abuse she finally regained her confidence and is now a well adjusted beautiful 18 year old young woman.