
I commend you and all involved in such an important mission. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom who is very active in my community, I was a journalist for 12 years. Throughout much of my career I covered both the education beat and crime and public safety for daily newspapers such as the Oregonian, Seattle Times and various San Francisco Bay Area papers. I remember opening the top drawer of my desk at work one day only to realize I had accumulated too many photos of murdered or missing children. I have interviewed many families who have suffered from this loss and do not wish it upon anyone. I have to admit my experiences made me quite paranoid about the concerns regarding child abduction, rape, torture and all other unfathomable things people might do to any child. Although honestly, because of my experiences I truly believe folks can never be too careful these days. That is why this project hits close to my heart. Again my sincerest congratulations and gratitude to everyone who conceived, participated and are still involved with your Just Yell Fire project.

I am very impressed and thank you for what you are doing, the world need more people like you. Thanks from a father of a 6-yr-old girl.

These two girls have done a wonderful service for all young girls who may be possible targets for a predator. I commend them for their insight and determination to help others.


What an incredible, relevant, and powerful video. I am a school counselor and also do a lot of teen and parent workshops at our local Y. I am also going to link it on my website, and tell every school counselor that I possibly can about this.

I commend your work and hope you realize how many lives you have saved! Thank you for making a difference. Thanks again!

My daughter turns 15 next month and I am an elementary school teacher in Santa Rosa, CA. I heard about the movie on Clark Howard last night and listened to a few seconds on my computer. I am really impressed.

What a proactive, "real" and effective way to reach and keep our girls safe.

Dallas and her friend are to be congratulated for their parts in coming up with the idea, and seeing it through to fruition, with the help of all the generous people who came aboard. I know you are very proud of her and rightly so!!

What a great work you all are doing!! I myself have been concerned when out in public what to do if ever I got in a similar situation. I feel it would help me as well as other moms & young women. I can't tell you how thankful I am to have such a resource and to have the subject addressed with a solution to offer. So often we hear about the tragedies with no solution.
Thanks so much for your labor of love to all

I wanted to tell you how impressive it is that your company provided the web access for this project. I heard one of the girl's mother speaking on the Clark Howard radio show yesterday and thought I would check it out. I can't believe the speed, and wish you provided service in South Georgia! I hope you consider continuing the relationship after the year long period that your company agreed upon. People need to see the content on this site. You guys can't buy the type of media exposure that this thing is providing to you. Clark Howard is a nationally syndicated consumer advocate who has a daily talk radio show. He actually compared the virtues of your company assisting with this project to the "toll blocks" that At&T are trying to impose for people "using their pipes" to access the Internet. (His new pet peeve.) He went on for several minutes, wrapping up with the comment that you guys are acting like an Internet Provider should! Clark Howard endorsements are rather coveted in this part of the country. He has quite the following in Atlanta, where his show originates. Way to go!

What an awsome service to our young women your daughter and her friend has done. I heard you on The Clark Howard show this evening on my way back to work and wanted to let you know (as if you didn't already know) what a truly wonderful daughter you have. I would love to show this dvd to my youth group and their parents at my church. May God continue to bless your daughter in her road to saving the young women of our world.


Hello, I just finished watching Just Yell Fire. I heard about it on the Clark Howard Show and decided to check it out. I am a Supervisor for a Juvenile Detention Center, in Quincy, Illinois and I work with females from 10 - 17 years of age. I think this would have such an impact on them. I would like a copy of your DVD for the Detention Center. I will definately pass this information on to all those that I know could benefit from this film. Your daughter and her friend did an excellent job, thanks for informing the public that this is out there.

Thanks Again