
Katherine and Dallas, I am very proud of the effort you have made to make all of this a reality.

My daughter (a St. Mary's student) was really impacted by this project and the powerful information within.

Please forward this to all corporate officers and board members:

As a mother of two young girls, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support of such a worthy endeavor.

As a citizen of the United States of America and the great State of Oregon, your corporate sponsorship is a beacon and model to all other corporations that giving of corporate funds to the community is not only a duty of the corporate sector, but truly the backbone of what makes America such a great and noble country.

Directly due to your actions, not one, but many and even, perhaps, thousands of girls will be empowered by, "Just yell Fire!" and their lives spared from pain and even death.

As leaders of this corporation, you should be proud of your company, just as a parent is proud of a child.

Thank you for fulfilling the dreams of these young women to make a difference and save people all over the world from these horrible crimes.