
Keep up the good work!

As the father of two girls, 8 and 10, I appreciate the work you are doing. I will share your message with my daughters and my friends.

Keep up the good work!

Hey, I just wanted to tell you guys that I think that what you guys are doing is amazing. Too many girls don't know what to do in a situation where they feel that their voice has been taken away, and I think it's great that you let them know how powerful their voice is, and that you teach them how to get it back. I know it's helped many. You guys are great.

Thank you for being courageous enough to make this film. I have granddaughters I would like to protect by empowering them with the tools for such events. I am grateful to you.

My name is Ellie and I'm fifteen years old. Today I was reading a Tae Kwon Do magazine and ran across Just Yell Fire. So I went to your website and watched the movie. I think what you guys are doing is awesome and that girls need to know that its ok to fight back and don't be afraid if someone threatens you. I'm just a yellow belt in TKD right now. But I've already learned some important self defense and how to help others in a harmful situation. The video was great and I really appretiated that you guys showed different ways to defend yourself, in different situations. My mom and Dad have always taught me to walk with confidence and to alway pay attention to that gut feeling. I can usually tell when something doesn't feel right and I always try to avoid vulnerable situations. I think that the message you guys are trying to spead is extremely important and that every girl should see this video. Thank you so much.

You may be young, but your wisdom far reaching women in their 40's! Just wanted to send you a shout out from Kansas City, Kansas, and to let you know I will pray your program continues to build up young women in our society! We are more than objects of affection. We are people created by GOD. Stay blessed dearheart and know your words are saving the lives of several young and "older" women, too.

Teaching girls that they CAN defend themselves

I am interested in becoming a certified trainer for Just Yell Fire. I gained my Master's degree in Library Science last May with an emphasis in children's and youth services, and hope to find a job soon as a public librarian. With the amount of contact I will have in that field with young and teenage girls, as well as contacts with schools and other libraries, I would like to find out how to become involved and help promote your program.

I have been training in aikido as a self-defense art since June, and will be testing for my first rank soon. The more I learned in aikido, the more it made me aware of how girls and women in America are socialized about violence. Movies, television, and popular media seem to promote the belief that girls and women cannot win or escape in a situation where we are under attack by a man. Recognizing this made me interested in finding out what programs were already available to promote girls' and women's self-defense. I discovered Just Yell Fire by Googling "women's self-defense". I was thrilled to find that someone has begun a movement to counter that socialization early in women's lives, beginning with teaching the girls who are most at risk that they CAN defend themselves and escape an attacker, even if their attacker is much larger. I myself am only 5'1", and the techniques that eliminate an attacker's advantage of greater height are also especially applicable to me.

I live in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and I would like any information available on training for certification for Just Yell Fire, either locally or in neighboring states if necessary. Many thanks to you, Dallas, and everyone else involved with Just Yell Fire for your caring and hard work.

Just dropped in to salute your work. I'm with you. I'm doing my second year under graduate in Chennai, TN, India. If there s something I can do for this cause, I m ready to. Salute once again n keep going. My wishes to you.

I just wanted to say that what you're doing is an absolutely AMAZING thing. I am one of the Managers at the Build a Bear Workshop in Annapolis MD and I discovered your organization after flipping through a preview of our upcoming Huggable Heroes calendar. While it's always great to see kids helping other kids, in 6 years a BABW, none of the organizations ever REALLY hit home with me...but your's definitely did. I am 23 now, but when I was 16...I had a boyfriend that brutally attacked me. I feel like knowing more about how to fight back might've not only prevented the first incident, but things I went through for two and a half years with this boy after the fact. A film like your film would've really been a great thing to see in school...or anywhere really. So, while this isn't a strong enough word by any stretch of the imagination, kudos on what you've done and continue to do here!!!

Dallas. you point blank are incredible. Not amazing. Not good. Incredible. You are a huge help in helping young girls everywhere. I most certaintly apperciate all you've done. Please. Please keep up with what you are doing. Thank you.

Thank you for the DVD. I wanted to let you know that I really admire you for coming up with "Just Yell Fire." It is really neat to see a proactive approach to the issues of violence that women face. What an empowering world you are creating! Thank you for making a difference.