
Dear Dallas,

20 more High School students were empowered Pope John Paul II High School in Hyannis, Mass..Cape Cod...We watched the video...and practiced the techniques on each one hour...I could see some of our students who didnt think they could "fight back"...or fight like as girl...really believe that they could be powerful in their own way and not be a victim!!

God Bless you for your work empowering young women! Peace and Blessings,

I just saw your story on Montel Williams and it brought tears to my eyes! I was 15 when I was raped! I only wish I saw this video 20 years ago. I live in a gated community with security guards and a few months ago, someone was able to get into the community and attempt a rape. You are never too safe or matter how much security there is. This video is not only a great resource to young girls, but to a 35 year old victim of a rape that happened 20 years ago. How many WOMEN don't know how to protect themselves? Sorry for the rant, but the segment on Montel brought out all those feeling that I had as a 15 year old virgin. I want to give a copy of this dvd to any female I come across. There are so many teenage girls here that can benefit from this very much needed video. I can't really donate anything, maybe help with the shipping costs, but what I can do is spread the message that we don't have to be victims and that we can learn to defend ourselves. Please let me know what you would need from me to make this happen. I am in Central Florida. Again,Thanks for bringing this to the forefront,

Please accept this donation for your outstanding efforts in protecting young girls everywhere. After learning about a teenage girl being assaulted this week in our local high school, by another student, I realized I needed to get this DVD and show it to my 13 year old daughter and her friends. Thank you so much for all your hard work and love for other uman beings.

Hi, saw Dallas on the Today Show the other day, I think this is fantastic. I've got two daughters, 11 & 19, I would love to get a Just Yell Fire DVD for them. I'm so excited about this, I'm always telling my girls (and not just my daughters, but their friends & my nieces) to be safe and giving them the few safety tips that I know. Again, this is fabulous, and I can't believe you're doing it for free. If there's anyway I could help, I would love to, I think it's so important that girls know that they can save their selves. Thank-you so much for all your doing,

Make a difference in this world

Just a quick note to let you know how much we ALL enjoyed the program on Saturday...AND how much we enjoyed meeting you, Dallas & Matt! The day turned out to be even more than we had hoped for...valuable information...wonderful people...and sincere commitment to make a difference in this world. You are all very special...

We would like to have you return to Sequim next year...

Thanks Again, Missy, Soroptimists Club of Sequim

I have six young nieces (and one nephew) and have tried to teach them how to prevent an abduction or unwanted touching. I taught them to yell 'fire' as loudly as possible, thinking it would get more attention than 'help'. I am happy to see that I wsa doing it right. I applaud what you and this team have accomplished and I plan to promote the DVD to everyone I know. Thank you for your dedication to this project.

First, let me congratulate the endeavors of these teenagers in doing such a great service to mankind. What a creative way of getting the message out! I am doing a basic life-skills class and want to incorporate this DVD in one of our lessons. Thank you for making a difference.

I was so excited to hear about the DVD - "Just Yell Fire". The reviews are excellent. I look forward to receiving the DVD and utilizing the information to help teenage girls with self defense. Thanks so much for your consideration in this matter!

Thank you for my DVD. I have received it and I LOVE IT. It came just before Christmas. Great Job girls!!! I want to use this as a training video for my daughters and their friends. It covers a lot of different areas of concern and being a part of the Law Enforcement/ Security community for the last 20 years I agree totally.

Thanks so much for helping all of the ladies, young and old, that have no idea what to do in a dangerous situation. I know from experience that they might not remember everything from this DVD. But when they are suddenly caught in that situation they will remember. I wish I would have had something like this when I was a teen. You're saving many lives with this DVD and giving confidence to young ladies who need it much more today than we ever have. What a fantastic job this young lady has done for all women. My hats off to her. Thanks again.