
This will save lives

Hey kid I have watched the downloaded version of justyellfire.


I'm a cop in NASHVILLE, TN. and a School Resource Officer,I'm currently assigned to Hume Fogg High School.

I think this is the best thing since peanut butter.

I would like to see if I can get this into the wellness program at school for all the girls.


I work at a fortune 500 company and am trying to get the Just Yell Fire site information out to all the people in our company so that any of them with preteen or teen girls in their family can get a copy of this movie if they believe it’s appropriate. Living in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area of Florida it is common to hear about an abduction and occasionally a girl lucky enough to get away. I used to take Judo as a kid and took a bit of Wing Chung Kung Fu. I had heard of Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, Tae Kwon Do, Kempo Karate, and Savate as a Bruce Lee movie fan but I never heard of Filipino street fighting which from this video appears to be the best self defense martial art out there. Congrats to Dallas, I am surprised that teens would do this and not some Big Child Advocacy Group. Thank God they did and are giving it to young girls so they can get away from any sicko out there.

Fantastic. I'm a father of a 13 year old girl and a 15 year old boy.

I've been after both to take some courses. Hopefully this video will help motivate them or at least teach them a few things that could help.

From what I've seen so far of the movie, I'm going to tie them both in a chair and make them watch it.

Thanks again...

I will be sharing this with my daughter and my nieces, as I have 9 - and they all could definately use this information. This world is full of predators looking to take advantage of our young innocent girls, I know, because I used to be one myself. If I would have had the knowledge ahead of time - things might have turned out very different for me. My hope is, that your DVD will help my girls to be aware of their strengths, and their surroundings, and be in control of their situation, should something happen to them - God forbid.

Thank you for making this important DVD, and supplying it to the public.

Good luck on your CNN Heroes nomination!!!! You deserve it.

Girl thank you so much for helping these young women, they need someone like you to teach them how to be strong and how to protect themselves. I'm 20, and from Alabama. I just saw you on the Headline News and I'm so thankful that you have taken this into your own hands and are so loving and helpful. And thank you for making the dvd's free. That's a wonderful thing that you do.

This is an awesome video! my last two girlfriends were both sexually assaulted in college. neither defended themselves (adequately) and neither later reported.

I have a niece who is a freshman at college and I seriously FEAR for her safety because she is a shy girl. I will send her this link to view and post on my Myspace as a Bulletin tonight. You're very courageous and the World needs more women like you!


I will gladly vote for Dallas to win the grant from Volvo. I learned about JYF from a segment on CNN. I intend to share it with my 12-year old daughter, because I am NOT one of those people who thinks it "could never happen to my child..." - I know it can happen to anyone, anywhere, and I want her to feel empowered to protect herself. Just the confidence she will receive from this DVD could make all the difference.

I want you to know that I don't often donate money, but maybe my contribution will allow just one extra young woman to see your DVD, and you never know what a difference it could make. Keep up the inspiring work.

Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and New Year

It's awesome what you have done. I'm 55 years old, and I have watched the statistics my whole life. I was traumatized when I was young, too, and it is astounding how many young girls have uninvited sexual advances made toward them, not to mention being raped or murdered. Thanks you for your work. You know how important it is.

First off I would like to thank you for volunteering your time to help save teenage girls against predators. Your dedication to assist in making the world a safer place is a great asset to our Country. THANK YOU!!

What I am interested in is sharing this Just Yell Fire DVD with our School Resource Officer(s) and of course with family members of my own. I think the video will show girls that it is ok to fight off a predator and though fear may try to take over they will more than likely be better off if they over come the fear and fight for all they are worth.....

I would like to receive a minimum of 10 DVD's. I do not mind purchasing the DVD's from you, or donating a set amount to your non-profit organization. Please let me know what you would like for me to do.

Again, thank you for all you do and if I can be of any assistance please let me know.

I've just spent my whole weekend to watch this superb film. I've just emailed all my friends and family this film so they could watch it too and teach their children the useful information. I always wanted to go to courses in how to defend myself but just haven't got around to doing it. Now I'm going to have a Just Yell Fire-evening with my girlfriends to practice and to talk about the film.

Thank you so much for doing this film!