
You are all outstanding people for doing something like this, taking the risk, and following your program all the way through. Think of the power you are giving young girls. Wow!! Thank you very much.

First I would like to say Thank You for caring enough about other people to create such a wonderful, informative movie! I just learned about your DVD on Montel Williams, and as a mother of 6 daughters it definitely caught my attention! I would like to request a DVD of "Just Yell Fire" so I can show my daughters, as well as try to get it shown at our school, etc. You should be very proud of yourselves, not only have you touched many lives, you have saved many lives! Thank you again!

I just heard about this DVD while watching the Montel Show. I can not tell you how impressed I am with these young ladies. Their advice and techniques will help numerous people. I can only hope to make such a contribution one day.

I have 2 young daughters (ages 6 and 10) and a son (age 8) and we talk about abductions and stratagies regularly. 24 yrs ago, my family suffered a great loss when my father (age 53) was abducted and murdered. It can happen to anyone, anytime.

Thank you!

I just saw you on the Montel Williams show and I wanted to tell you that I think you guys have done a wonderful thing! Thank you all for taking the time to make a film like this! Hats off to you all for giving your time and for opening your hearts to make sure that others know what to do in these situations.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and double thumbs up on doing a wonderful job!

I am the mother of 2 (1 girl, 1 boy) and I just saw the Montel Williams show & learned about your movie. I was moved to tears. You should be very proud of yourselves! You are great examples of the kind of young people we need in the world today, if there were more people like you the world would be a better place and your movie might not be so necessary, but unfortunately it is. You are an inspiration to people of all ages and are providing a life saving service. God Bless You!!!

I think your video is one of the best I have ever seen! I watched you on the Montel Williams show just a while ago and had to look it up.

I am a single mom of three, I homeschool my own children and substitute teach in the public school. Furthermore, I am the President of our homeschool association.

Thank you!

Hi girls, First off let me congratulate you on your program, you are well above your years in all that you have already accomplished. That being said, my husband is a Police Officer who is also a School Resource Officer/DARE Officer. After I told him about your DVD he asked me to write to order one so that he could show it to the girls in his Middle and High School. Again for what it is worth I am very proud of you both, and I hope you realize what a difference you are making.

My teen daughters and I have just finished watching Montel Williams show. I am so impressed with the courage and determination of Dallas and her friends for making this video. Keep up the good work, everyone who helped in the film should be proud of what they have done and know that they are helping to save someone's life.

I'm a high school graduate going into college. I'm so proud of your work and effort to help girls respond in a way to attacks that will save their lives and keep them safe.

I've shared your website with most of my friends and they love what you've done for girls all over the nation. I would love to receive a DVD of your movie so I can share it with more of my friends and also so I can always remember how to keep myself prepared in case of an attack.

I just want to say thank you again, you've been an inspiration to girls everywhere that we are not victims, we are strong and we have the right to be safe and comfortable in our environment. Thank you so much!

Hi there! I can't believe your story about how this film got started. But it's amazing. Congratulations on your successful journey, and by helping so many teen girls. But not only are you guys helping out young teen girls, you are helping out adult women. I myself, like so many others have been victimized by sexual assault. The ones who hurt me were never charged. I have two little girls, ages 3 and 8 months, and of course they are so young, I want them to have the opportunity to be able to protect themselves as they grow into adults. By having this video I will be able to help protect them, my nieces, and also my sisters and any other woman I have in my family and friends. I seen you guys on Montel today, and I cried, and cried. It's amazing what you can do if you really want to promote change. I'm so proud of you both, being a mother like I said, I pray to God each and every second that my girls will be just like you guys. Wanting to change things for the better.

My heart goes out to you and your crew for what you all have done.
Thank you again, but remember one thing that I tell my friends who have been hurt... You are NOT a victim, you ARE a survivor inside and out.

With love always, and forever!