
I saw you on the Montel show, and think what you are doing is absolutely great, and very important. I am a Senior Master Police Officer with the Helena Police Department in Helena, Mt. I have downloaded your movie and will be giving copies of it to the school resource officers in our high schools and middle schools. This is very important information, and it is awesome for you to undertake this project. Thank you from all of us in the law enforcement profession, It is things like this that make all our lives easier, and the lives of others safer.

I just had the pleasure of reading the article Fighting Fire with Fire by Dallas Jessup in the Current Health 2 Sept. 2009 issue and watched the Just Yell Fire video on the website listed. What a tremendous video! I want to extend my sincere thanks to Dallas and everyone involved in making this video and to let you know I plan to include it in my Human Sexuality Course that I teach as part of my health curriculum. Thank you for helping all girls everywhere stay safe!

Hi. Awesome job on this video. In fact, I think it’s so important that I want to organize an evening of instruction for my 11 year old daughter and her friends.

I am a 13 year girl who attends middle school, and does ride the bus. My bus stop has one other girl, the same build and age as me. I am very weak, and don't play any sports whatsoever. For the past year, I have heard of many girls who were older and stronger than me get raped and taken away. Needless to say, I was frightened. What could happen to me?

My mom showed me and my little brother this video. After watching it, I emailed it to all my female friends and watched it over and over again to practice the actions used against a sexual offender. Thank you so much for letting everyone see this. Now I know that I have a chance against a 200 pound man or woman who tries to touch me. By the way, I thought the hair combing thing was brilliant, and the scoop kick was as well.

I saw your information on the back of my Doritos bag and it was like a sending from above. What you are doing is so amazing. And I appreciate it so much. The neighbor hood I live in is not safe at all, and neither is the place I work. Guys view girls as just their next crime victims, and it frightens me.I could not believe my eyes when I read the back of my Doritos bag. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. A million times thank you.

I will be sharing this with my daughter and my nieces, as I have 9 - and they all could definately use this information. This world is full of predators looking to take advantage of our young innocent girls, I know, because I used to be one myself. If I would have had the knowledge ahead of time - things might have turned out very different for me. My hope is, that your DVD will help my girls to be aware of their strengths, and their surroundings, and be in control of their situation, should something happen to them - God forbid.

Thank you for making this important DVD, and supplying it to the public.

Good luck on your CNN Heroes nomination!!!! You deserve it.

Hi Maggie, I just heard you speaking on Clark Howard’s show a few minutes ago when I was in my car and went to your website as soon as I got back to my store. Not only is your daughter beautiful but also very bright and talented. You should be very proud.

You guys are doing such a wonderful thing for society. Keep up the good work.

It was such a pleasure having you visit and present at our school on Friday. Our students were very impressed but more importantly feel they received great information that can help protect themselves and their children. The extra DVD's are flying out of my office door as I shared information about our presentation at the all staff meeting on Monday. Please pass along our appreciation to Dallas and Catherine as they continue to get their very important message out, everywhere possible.

I received the DVD on Wednesday and we watched it right away. I loved how it explained, in detail, exactly what the girls were doing. You gave ideas I'd never thought of, such as pulling on the ears. I'd thought of the eyes, but never gave it much thought as to using more than one finger and concentrating on only one eye.

Thank you so much for the DVD. I hope your valuable message spreads all across the country! God Bless!

I commend you and all involved in such an important mission. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom who is very active in my community, I was a journalist for 12 years. Throughout much of my career I covered both the education beat and crime and public safety for daily newspapers such as the Oregonian, Seattle Times and various San Francisco Bay Area papers. I remember opening the top drawer of my desk at work one day only to realize I had accumulated too many photos of murdered or missing children. I have interviewed many families who have suffered from this loss and do not wish it upon anyone. I have to admit my experiences made me quite paranoid about the concerns regarding child abduction, rape, torture and all other unfathomable things people might do to any child. Although honestly, because of my experiences I truly believe folks can never be too careful these days. That is why this project hits close to my heart. Again my sincerest congratulations and gratitude to everyone who conceived, participated and are still involved with your Just Yell Fire project.